
What Do I Do For a Living?  I am often asked by those I meet to describe what I do for a living. Generally, the "living" to which they are referring is my profession. However, my employment does not define me as an individual. Rather, my occupation is only a modest part of my life. The fullness of my life comes from my relationships and my pursuits. Therefore, I created this website in an effort to answer the question of "What do I do for a living?" by describing who I am and who I endeavor to be.

Who Am I and Who do I Strive to Be?  In all my relationships and pursuits, I attempt in earnest to be a man of purpose and conviction. As a guide and goal, I created a list of qualities and actions for each key facet of my life. These lists, which convey who I strive to be, may be found at the end of the "Pursuits" link.

Am I Willing to Sharing my Expertise & Experiences?  Though I have focused my academic studies on engineering, I endeavor to deepen my understanding on a variety of subjects. Because of my broad background, I have spoken to a number of organizations and assemblies. If you wish to invite me to speak at your group's engagement, please follow the link titled, "Public Speaking" to see a list of presentations and to make arrangements.